Mountain Wheels
Bike Moutain Tours
Located in Texas, Big Ben National Park offers a little something for everyone. Our dedicated staff has a special interest in exploring and sharing this corner of Texas in the Chihuahuan Desert by moutinan bike. We offer tours for every skill level from beginner to expert. From the dirt roads of Big Bend National Park to the singletrack of the Lajitas or the Contrabando Trail Systems, to some of the more remote corners of Big Bend Ranch State Park, Desert Sports can match a trip to your riding style and fitness level. All our Multi-Day guided trips include great food, informative and experienced guides, and unique itineraries which can be scheduled from October through the end of April with a minimum of four people. One-Day rides include excellent guide service and are available most of the year with a minimum of two people. Please contact us for more information
- Big Bend National Park: At over 800,000 acres, it is the largest national park in Texas. With terrain that varies from pine strewn mountains to low desert and deep canyons, the national park has endless possibilities for hiking, biking and boating adventures.
- Big Bend Ranch State Park: The largest Park in the Texas Parks and Wildlife system. With 300,000 acres of rugged and remote terrain, it offers superior hiking, biking and boating possibilities.
- Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River: Given national recognition in 1978 by an act of the U.S. Congress; its Lower Canyons, the most remote river section in the Big Bend, is a wilderness boaters’ paradise.
- Black Gap Wildlife Management Area: Research and development area for desert bighorn sheep and mule deer, it’s the crown jewel of the Texas WMA system. Its cliffs and canyons are spectacular.