A BPA chapter aligned with the goals and mission of Business Professional of America is concerned with service. Business Professionals of America recommends chapters become involved in one or more of the BPA Cares programs it offers. Participation in this program means that members are engaging in worthwhile projects while having the opportunity to receive recognition from the national organization.
Chapter Service Learning Awards: The purpose of the Service Learning Awards Program is to encourage individuals and chapters to be involved in their community through service learning. There are four awards your chapter can work towards each year. They are:
Community Service Award: The purpose is to encourage local chapters to become actively involved in community betterment, school improvement, and election-year activities; to encourage local chapters to develop ways of involving their members in these kinds of activities; and to recognize chapters for their involvement in engaged citizenry. All applicants must be in good standing with Business Professionals of America. This award is open to members in the Middle Level, Post-Secondary and Secondary Divisions who have completed at minimum 100 service hours or contributed at minimum $500.00 to a service organization.
Environmental Action/Awareness Award: The purpose is to promote the image of Business Professionals of America (BPA) as an organization that is aware of current environmental issues; to motivate all levels and Divisions of BPA to participate in activities that prevent any further damage to our environment; and to encourage current chapters to implement plans of action to embrace the idea of a Green; society. All applicants must be in good standing with Business Professionals of America. This award is open to members in the Middle Level, Post-Secondary and Secondary Divisions who have completed at minimum 100 service hours or contributed at minimum $500.00 to a service organization.
Safety Awareness Award: The purpose is to encourage and recognize local chapters for their involvement and development of safety programs. All applicants must be in good standing with Business Professionals of America. This award is open to members in the Middle Level, Post-Secondary and Secondary Divisions who have completed at minimum 100 service hours or contributed at minimum $500.00 to a service organization.
Special Olympics Award: The purpose is to recognize local members involved with Special Olympics. All applicants must be in good standing with Business Professionals of America. This award is open to members in the Middle Level, Post-Secondary and Secondary Divisions who provide a minimum of 100 hours of service or a $500.00 donation to Special Olympics.